Categories: Charity, Clients, Crowd Funding, Tags: charity, edgar allan poe, Edgar Allan Poets, help, homeless, midnight mission, skid row, video
Categories: Clients, Music, Music Industry, Tags: alternative rock, chart, charts, Edgar Allan Poets, los angeles, noir rock, reverbnation
Edgar Allan Poets has reached the #1 position on ReverbNation’s Los Angeles Alternative chart.
Congrats and there will be more success to come!
Categories: Clients, Music, Music Industry, Tags: Billboard, chart, charts, Chris Mariotti, clients, Edgar Allan Poets, music, rock, Top 10
On April 11, 2013, my client Edgar Allan Poets entered Billboard’s Next Big Sound chart at #10. This chart features “the fastest accelerating artists during the
past week across all major social music sites, statistically predicted to achieve future success, as measured by Next Big Sound.”
Here the link:
Categories: Clients, Music, Tags: alternative, alternative rock, charts, Edgar Allan Poets, local bands, los angeles, los angeles bands, nation, reverb, reverbnation
Edgar Allan Poets is in the Top 10 LA bands on ReverbNation’s Alternative Charts. Check it out!
Categories: Clients, Music Industry, Tags: clients, Edgar Allan Poets, incubus, interview, noir rock, renmanmb, steve rennie
My client, Edgar Allan Poets, was featured today on Steve Rennie’s (manager of Incubus) show LiveStream. Click here to listen to the interview.
Categories: Clients, Music, Tags: Chris Mariotti, deli, deli magazine, Edgar Allan Poets, los angeles, most popular Los Angeles bands, top LA bands, top Los Angeles bands
My client, Edgar Allan Poets, currently ranks very highly in the Alt Rock genre of Deli Magazine’s Top LA Bands. EAP ranks #4 for web buzz, just below Queens of the Stone Age and The Mars Volta. The band also ranks #47 in overall popularity for all LA bands listed.
Edgar Allan Poets are really on the rise, generating a significant buzz after only being in LA a short time. Keep watching for more from these up-and-comers and say you were a fan before they were superstars!
Get EAP’s new single, Crow Girl, out now!
Categories: Clients, Tags: Chris Mariotti, client, Crow Girl, Edgar Allan Poets, new music, single
Client Edgar Allan Poets has just released a new single entitled “Crow Girl.” You can preview the song at EAP’s website and buy the song on iTunes.
“Crow Girl” has a beautiful, haunting melody. The music features soft and hard rock elements, with lush orchestration emphasizing the song’s swelling emotions. Chris’ lead vocals also lend a really unique sound to this already fantastic song.
Categories: Clients, Music, Tags: Chris Mariotti, client, Crow Girl, Edgar Allan Poets, new music, Roadrunner Records, single
My client, Edgar Allan Poets, is currently on the top of the rock charts on the Roadrunner Records A&R page! Please visit their page to check out the band’s music, as well as leave a great review and vote for them!
Here is the video for the band’s song “Cryptic Code”